Woodrow Wilson created a list that he thought could make world peace happen. He suggests this as their plan, and says they should all stick together. It emphasized American morals and peace for the world. It also helped create peace in foreign countries following the end of the war...
- no secret diplomacy
- freedom of the waters
- diminish economic barriers for everyone
- limitations of weapons
- self-determination of colonies (no greed)
- No americans in Russia
- Belgium to be free
- Give the French their land bank
- boundaries in Italy based on nationality
- Austria-Hungary set free
- people out of Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro
- the "Turks" given freedom
- Poland
- establishment of the league of nations
George Washington's Farewell Address advised us to stay out of foreign affairs and to keep peace with all... Woodrow Wilson is extending this idea with his 14 points.
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